Picking up where Bubble-Boy Alan Greenspan left off, Ben Bernanke bent over for our Money Club yesterday. Like the psychiatrist on the Sopranos, Ben shows there is no excess nor abomination that isn't deserving of therapy -- as long as you can afford the rates.
Our message is clear...
No Doc. No Down. No Limit. Game on!
Eat Meat. Lick Lead. Drink Oil. Dump Out. Burn This Planet!
As our hero Ayn Rand teaches: Society and Economy are merely systems to insure unending exploitation. The rich exploit the poor. The strong exploit the weak. The smart exploit the stupid -- and the numbers ONLY GET BIGGER!
I made a LOT of money yesterday and I make no apology. Greed is Good! When dollars don't work, I buy euros. Because prudence isn't profitable, I buy consumption. If choosing life can't make me rich, then I'll buy DEATH -- shiny, lead-coated death!
It's MY board. And when I am LOSING it's time to change the rules!
Inflation doesn't exist. The dollar is toilet paper. The Sky Is On Fire. Burn This Planet!
Ben says GO!