The two most significant historical events America has faced over the last 30 years:

  • 911 (War On Terror; Iraq; Afghanistan: $3-6  Trillion spent) and
  • The Financial Collapse (MBS, CDS, TARP, austerity:  more than $14 Trillion lost/spent/cut)
prove essentially three things:
  1. The world has printed about as much money as it's capable of printing, without collapsing the monetary system said money is printed to engender.
  2. The world has pumped (at least, if not more than) half the cheap (easily obtainable) oil it's ever going to find.  Yet burning just that half has destabilized Earth’s climate and increasingly its financial/valuation systems.
  3. Nearly every significant change/outcome of the last 30 years’ confirms/implies the existence of an insidious "Rentier Class." Confirms that the .01 percent (dynasties) shall seemingly effectively reign forever over this planet, even as fewer (if any) new members (see 1. above) are admitted to the class.

Which begs my question: How much longer can human society tolerate cheerleaders for the social, political and economic reality described above?