Long May You Fucked American Liar
America is insane from all these lies. But I am not a liar and I am not insane. There is only one tribe in America that matters and its freemasonry. But I am not a freemason. It's a liars' system and because of it America lives so deep in lies it doesn't even really exist, not in the way it thinks it does. It's a delusion now - like me before - a parody of itself. Like a hit show or something. God is a moral being but anyone that worships moral values finds they live in an immoral and amoral, at best, America. Morality is a contruct without many actual working guard rails in America, in my opinion. Like the change I see from porn/incest fetishes to scatology and cannibalism. I think men and women no longer relate or interact with each other now except as a kind of revenge for their lives? That is not me. I have felt myself becoming it though.
Yet I have been cancelled on every platform there is but this one, simply for saying the truth about this awful country. I have done nothing wrong. I have committed no crimes. I simply tell the truth about America. I try so hard, to find meaning, to find love here but this place is so meaningless and disgusting to me and I honestly see nothing to do and nothing to be done. I am beside myself with grief over what I face and witness for life here under the Beast System and its hegemonic political and corporate regimes: rape, lies, murder, cannibalism and I believe eternal damnation. It's a Game Day country every day here and the sports metaphor applies to every aspect of both its falsity and its cruelty.
America is the GREAT SATAN, a lying cheating player whore that's broken the world's heart, all its rules, and maybe this world itself now.
But I do think I see the wretched end of this wretched way/place now.
An end to a whore and a liar of ONE TRILLION YEARS and TWO TRILLION PLANETS.
America's dead fuck whores, long may they fuck.
Fuck your dead faces.
Fuck your dead brains.
Fuck your dead eyes.
Fuck it all and fuck it right out, I guess, but to me it's all just dead.
Let America's dead fuck hole life be its destiny now, I guess...
Just so many people you had to meet, without your clothes.
And everybody knows...
-Leonard Cohen
You don't drink, don't smoke...
What do you do?
Subtle innuendo follows.
Must be something inside?
-Adam Ant
Just thank God it can no longer charge me with crimes I did not commit and no one objected to. I believe that strategy has failed my local City Court but we'll see.
Now get back up on your W2, America and be even more meaningless than I was because they made that our only real shared destiny I think.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I would end or split/cecede parts of this horrible and meaningless country now and allow its survivors to create meaning from life again. Life is worth living. America this way is not. This is how I have always felt and tried so hard not to admit, to myself, until now.
The story of my life has been that America's ongoing seeming inevitable destruction devastation and abject failure proves over and over and over what it is - hell on Earth.
May the meaningless end of satan's meaningless world and meaningless existence be as meaningless as the lie America was and is and I am not.
The way; the truth; the life.
This is all I have ever known, Father.
I am only in the true and loving things. They are in all things. Only My Father is over all those, not me.
And so there just seems no place for me here now but this/my place. I have no place, anymore, but this, right here.
And so, Father please help me to live in peace and prosperity anyway all the days of my life, even if it's only among the whores, liars and killers I think America has become. Let me not be of them as they are of themselves.
I shall live only for your things and principles because none is America's evil values and lies.
Thank you, Christ Jesus, for your love and mercy and the life I have here, even in its loneliness and starvation for true love, but for you and your true father love.
Father, I found no real love here, only lies. Thank you for letting me know true love, through you and by grace.
There was never any relationship to have with this place as it is the opposite of me and you, as I know us to be. As I was educated and studied and prayed all my life.
I am so sorry I let them fool me so many times over and over and over even to the point of death.
Please forgive me but what I see has defied my sanity, dear Lord, and about all I have left now is my sanity. Please help me and all the living things in the world do better in our lives. In Christ Jesus' name, Amen.
When the going gets weird the weird turn pro.
-Hunter S. Thompson, journalist, writer and alleged secret agent
So the going has gotten weirder... I have to become more pro. The news is out and it's all bad, basically. But my days of being called sick and weak and crazy and evil by insane people are over. I don't need that. I never did. I think maybe they needed me, basically so there's always someone naive and trusting to leverage or coerce, like a baby, like a child, like a little girl. I see myself as having only two real choices as an "average" Christian American Male: be a small, menial oversexed for entertainment purposes only kind of person that conforms and appeals to others, knowing one's place as it were; or be a larger and more substantial person and Christian, if I can, As I can, but probably only to myself.
I am sorry I don't match the deceitful and insidious world's memory of love, just its childhood. I watch the world insidiously. I probably always have. Please forgive me that too. I will report what I see as crime. But I just don't want to try and paint what I AM and what I see now as poetry or humor. I don't know. Maybe that will come back? It always has before. Right now I got court cases and vehicles to work on. I'm creating rather than solving problems and enjoying my own life. I want that to end now.
Finally, I don't think memory, as a quantum, as a construct of creation's reality machine is right anymore. Like now we live inside a Mandela Effect, a simulation within the simulation machine? But somehow I still seem to remember remembering. I'm ok with it now.
Tastes like chicken...