
Birth, School, Work, Death...

the Calculus of George Bush...

Why I'm Not Happy... an open letter to my mother on my birthday

The Peter Principle of Human Societies?

Paper Tiger

Let them eat cake...

King Midas in Reverse

Your tax dollars at work...

Surviving U.S. Decline...

First you go to jail...


There's a new sheriff in town boys...

Two of America's Biggest Problems...

The 100% Solution

America despairs of its shitty way of life...

You can't fool Mother Nature:  Bush and Cheney should RESIGN IMMEDIATELY...

on Bill Marr...

Why I Hate George Bush: A Labor Day Manifesto

Yesterday, Baghdad. Today, New Orleans. Tomorrow... Your Town.

Heaven Spits on George Bush's America...

The Legacy of a Fool...

Che Lives!


Got Grenade?

The Armageddon President...

Burning Fossil Fuel is like living in caves - only we haven't stopped doing it yet!

America VS Americana: who do you think is winning?

Bye Bye Bernie... and Welcome to Justice? Mr. Ken Lay