I Shot The Sheriff?

Adult life is never knowing when you're the butt of someone's upside-down, inside joke...
Secret Gospel of Satan: mystery, stasis, order, rent, rape and cannibalism, with a front of capitalism to obscure and sustain accruing generational wealth. Very cryptic/esoteric. Very occult. Very post-Mao China. Very dragon. The Great Satan wins by his rules not yours, which he gave you to follow.

Every day the bucket goes to the well.
But one, the bottom will drop out.
Yes, one day, bottom will drop out.
I say...
-Bob Marley, 'I Shot The Sheriff'

Maybe not the first time you've heard here there's a veil and thin blue line between you and reality... Is it crisis or psyop when they own both sides in every "war" from Ukraine to Gaza to health to govt. to finance to trafficking/drugs/pedo/immigration?

Bet you guys didn't know Friday is little princess night, saw it!
(Wait! Now, you have to assume I'm always lying...)
I felt this way before, 2009, around the financial crisis. By 2014 I was ready for more sex, conservatism and faith, but here I am 10 years later and my house is poorer and I'm alone but for cats.
Nothing New Under The Sun